Made by a medically-complex caregiver
Emily crashed into motherhood with a months long NICU stay after her daughter was born. In order to provide the best care, she left her career as a mental health clinician to become a full-time caregiver. In 2018, she founded Tiny Tubie Shop, an online marketplace providing support for medically-complex and tube-fed families.
Emily was inspired to create the organizer she wishes someone would have handed her while living on the pull-out sofa in the NICU. The Caregiver Compass would have been so helpful as her daughter was discharged with inches-high stacks of paperwork, and shopping bags full of supplies and equipment Emily felt underprepared to use. The Caregiver Compass combines all of the aspects of medically-complex caregiving, and serves as a guide for providing the best care to a loved one. Emily's goal is to empower caregivers and parents to feel more comfortable and confident in their medically-complex caregiving journey.
In her free time, Emily enjoys sewing, perfecting homemade pizzas and the perfect cup of tea, and exploring new cities and national parks. Emily started The Caregiver Compass series in 2022 with her first book, The Medical Mama Compass.